he Concord Chamber of Commerce
has been making business better in
Concord since 1953.
The Concord Chamber of Commerce is actively
involved in the business community, provides a
forum to exchange ideas and business solutions,
and offers special community and business events
throughout the year.
The Chamber supports its Shop Locally initiative
through many activities, including the Gift of
Concord gift certificate program and special events
to promote local businesses.
The Chamber was awarded the management
responsibility for the Concord Center Cultural
District. The Chamber assisted in obtaining the West
Concord Junction Cultural Center designation. The
Chamber is dedicated to providing quality services
and experiences to businesses, residents and visitors.
The Concord Chamber of Commerce serves
Concord, Massachusetts and towns in the
surrounding area.With over 200 members the
Concord Chamber is made up of large and small
businesses, retail and service organizations, dining
and lodging establishments, and many historical
sites and non-profit organizations.
Concord Chamber of Commerce
Concord MA 01742
Phone: 978.369.3120
director@concordchamberofcommerce.org www.ConcordChamberofCommerce.org