Read about us on page 41
Concord Chamber of Commerce ~ 978-369-3120
Financially conservative advisors? Yes.
Conventional advisors? No.
Not by a long shot.
Elite athletes work with personal trainers to reach their fullest potential, which is the role
we play in our clients’ financial lives. We help you maintain the discipline and focus
required to hit spending, saving, growth, and life goals.
Combining investment management with financial planning and project-managed
implementation greatly enhances a client’s probability of maintaining their standard of
living in the future.
Successful professionals, primarily scientists, doctors, finance & tech executives, and
engineers, work with Journey to implement personal and intelligent plans. Journey also
provides financial advisory services as an executive benefit for the professional team, such
as at a foundation at a leading Boston Hospital.
Journey Wealth Partner’s investment philosophy is grounded in a conservative,
evidence-based approach: implementing expertly constructed, efficient, low-cost, well-
diversified, risk-adjusted portfolios, and using best practices for risk & tax management,
education funding, wealth preservation, growth and income, and retirement income
withdrawal strategies.
Journey is a fee-only, independent Registered Investment Advisor and Peggy McGillin,
CFP®, MBA, is the owner of Journey Wealth Partners in Concord, Massachusetts. We
invite you to visit us for a complimentary discovery meeting and to meet the rest of the
Journey team of CFP® Professionals.
747 MAIN STREET SUITE 120 CONCORD, MA 01742 978 369-2911