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Monument Group Wealth Advisors ~ Byron E. Woodman, Jr. & Lee McGowan, CFP

801 Main Street

Concord, MA 01742


Monument Group Wealth Advisors, LLC,

Woodman & Eaton, P.C., and Monument Group

Tax Advisors, LLC are part of The Monument Group

Companies, which provide master planning services

to our client families.

The purpose of the master plan process is to

integrate, organize, and coordinate financial, legal,

estate, and life planning advice with the objective

of helping client families achieve financial comfort.

Our fee-only planning model assures that we are

working in our clients' best interest as we develop

and implement financial planning strategies.

Our role in the master plan process at Monument

Group Wealth Advisors is to work closely with

our clients to develop financial plans tailored for

each client family. From planning for retirement to

educating children, we strive to understand each

client's objectives as part of a bigger, interrelated

picture, and then develop a plan that is unique to

each client. A well-designed and implemented plan

gives a client family the confidence to proceed with

other activities that are consistent with the family's

goals and resources, such as retiring early, creating

new businesses, or pursuing philanthropic activities.

Nashoba Brooks School ~ Danielle Heard

200 Strawberry Hill Road

Concord, MA 01742


Nashoba Brooks has created a singular learning

environment—in our classrooms, laboratories, and

studios, and on our stages and playing fields—

where the future is taking shape.

Our multi-age, co-ed preschool (ages 3-5)

presents the opportunity for children to spend two

years being inquisitive and confident learners and

community members. Our co-ed program continues

in Kindergarten through Grade 3 where we

encourage discovery and the acquisition of essential

skills. Students develop multicultural perspectives

and feel safe in taking on new academic challenges.

Our students love coming to school because the

classroom is an adventure—and our teachers are

their guides on this journey.

In our all-girls middle school (Grades 4-8),

students rise to new academic challenges while

finding opportunities for self-exploration and

leadership. Nashoba Brooks girls learn to answer

tough questions, pursue elusive answers, assert

well-formed opinions, and meet life's obstacles

with sureness, strength, and a sense of humor. As

our community's oldest students, they model the

empathy, resilience, and grit needed to succeed in

high school and the world. They become leaders and

respected members in the region's best secondary

schools and in the colleges, universities, and careers

they choose.