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See our ad on page 5
The Guild for Human Services ~ Thomas Belski
521 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742
www.guildhumanservices.orgThe Guild for Human Services, founded
in 1952, provides a community-based day
school and residential program for school-
aged children, teens, and young adults
with complex special needs. The Guild
serves both male and female students
who have mild to severe intellectual
disabilities as well as behavioral
challenges consistent with Autism
Spectrum Disorders, genetic syndromes
and/or mental health diagnoses. There
may be opportunities for students who
are eligible for adult services to remain
at The Guild in our adult residential
program. The Guild's website is:
www.GuildHumanServices.org. For
more program information, contact
admissions@GuildHumanServices.org.The Umbrella Community Arts Center
40 Stow Street
Concord, MA 01742
info@theumbrellaarts.org theumbrellaarts.orgHOURS OF OPERATION:
The Umbrella Community Arts
Center is open daily with classes and
events scheduled throughout the
week. Please refer to our website for
details. The office is staffed M-F from
9 am to 5 pm.
The Umbrella enriches lives and builds a vibrant
community through the arts. We inspire creativity,
learning, and personal growth through arts
education programs, performing and visual arts
presentations, and community collaborations. Each
year we engage, excite, and educate people of all
ages in the arts.
Our Arts Education program gives 1600+ youth
and adults access to 250+ arts classes, workshops,
and after-school programs, and our Performing Arts
performances and events draw thousands to our
350-seat theater. Our popular Arts & Environment
program links discovery of art with passion for
nature, and our community of 58 artists adds
tremendous vitality and inspiration. We also provide
an array of art exhibitions from group shows,
displays of work from our resident artists, and
retrospectives of important contemporary artists in
our recently renovated Arts Gallery.
For more information visit us online at
theumbrellaarts.orgof call 978.371.0820. Follow us
on Twitter or Instagram @theumbrellaarts, or like us
on Facebook at /theumbrellaarts ription